Hottest gay sex toys & items 2021

gay sexy toys for men and women to fulfill your sexual fantasies in the bedroom

Are you a gay man who enjoys having sex? Find out about the hottest gay sex toys and items for the bedroom. Sex with the right person, sex can be a beautiful thing. Toys, accessories, and certain clothes make sex even more interesting. And so I came up with this list of some cool gay… Continue reading Hottest gay sex toys & items 2021

Everything You Need to Know to Rent an RV + 5 Places to Rent One

Traveling and even living in a recreational vehicle (RV) has exploded in popularity over the past few years. While RVing has been popular for a while, the pandemic kicked RVing into high gear. A survey by the RV Industry Association in 2020 reported that 20% of respondents became more interested in RVing due to the… Continue reading Everything You Need to Know to Rent an RV + 5 Places to Rent One

21 best gay gifts

gay birthday with gay gifts

As gay men, we can be extremely picky especially when receiving gifts! In this blog post, I will mention some of the best gay gifts you can give. I love to receive gifts which is my primary love language. I feel that the gifts you give to other people tell how you feel about that… Continue reading 21 best gay gifts