Best first time gay sex tips

Best first time gay sex tips

Ready to have your first time gay sex? Here are some tips to make sure it goes as smoothly as possible. Are you ready to have your first time gay sex? If so, you’re likely feeling a mix of emotions: excitement, anticipation, nervousness. But don’t worry –...
Hottest gay sex toys & items 2021

Hottest gay sex toys & items 2021

Are you a gay man who enjoys having sex? Find out about the hottest gay sex toys and items for the bedroom. Sex with the right person, sex can be a beautiful thing. Toys, accessories, and certain clothes make sex even more interesting. And so I came up with this list...
21 best gay gifts

21 best gay gifts

As gay men, we can be extremely picky especially when receiving gifts! In this blog post, I will mention some of the best gay gifts you can give. I love to receive gifts which is my primary love language. I feel that the gifts you give to other people tell how you...
Im gay & black: How do I come out?

Im gay & black: How do I come out?

Are you a queer black man and constantly feel burdened with the thought “im gay and black”. Find out ways to come out safely. I’m probably sounding like a broken record as of now.  The struggle of being black and gay is real.  As a black...