Hottest gay sex toys & items 2021

Are you a gay man who enjoys having sex? Find out about the hottest gay sex toys and items for the bedroom.

Sex with the right person, sex can be a beautiful thing. Toys, accessories, and certain clothes make sex even more interesting. And so I came up with this list of some cool gay sex toys and items that can fulfill your sexual fantasy.

Hottest gay sex toys & items


There’s one nightmare that all gay man has had at least once in their life: painting on their partner or getting patined on. I remember back in my hoe days I was messing around with me and this dude painted on me. I was so mortified! It took me a couple of weeks ago to get back to running the streets.

If you’re a bottom or vers you should always clean your backside before engaging in gay sex. The Beauty Molly Anal Douche can do that effectively. The item is soft and flexible which makes it comfortable. The item can be used by both men and women Now, you won’t have to worry about embarrassing yourself in bed.


I know a lot of people that don’t like to use condoms, gay and straight. One of the common complaints is that it lessens the sensation. I don’t really like wearing certain types of condoms but I advocate for condom usage all the time. If you’re like me the best type of condom you would like is the Trojan Ultra Thin.

I’ve used the condom before and it actually felt good. It’s almost as if I didn’t have a condom on. Trojan has the best brand of condoms so you won’t have to worry about it breaking if used correctly.


Mesh has a lot of sex appeal.  I’m not a huge fan of mesh but the gays love it!!!!  I went to a Gay Pride festival a few years ago and just half the queer men I’ve interacted with had some type of mesh clothing on. 

This mesh underwear is a sexy item that you can wear in the bedroom.  It’s see-through so it will definitely get your partner or hook-up side piece excited. It comes in all different sizes so both twinks and thick persons can wear them.


If you bottom you would like this item.  It cleans your digestive system which means less mess in the bedroom.  You should still douche but together with this product, you’ll feel like a brand new person.  Overall, the capsules are good for your health since it contains chia seeds, flax seeds, and aloe vera.

If you want to enjoy the bedroom without a sloppy mess this product will prevent that. These prebiotic pills will also help you clean out your digestive system. One of the best features is that it’s vegan friendly so pretty much anyone can eat it.  It’s a best seller on Amazon and has had more than 80,000 reviews.


This is a product anyone can benefit from.  It’s one of those massage machines that you will actually find in a therapist’s office.  The machine stimulates the nerve in the damaged or hurts part of your body.  What’s good about this product is that it’s easy to use. So if you’re a klutz like me you won’t have any issues using this machine.


A must-have for sex is a good lubricant. Spit is just plain nasty.  And Vaseline is ghetto. KY Jelly is a good lubricant but there are other good ones out there.

Lube Life is an amazing lubricant.  It is water-based so it doesn’t leave nasty stains.  The product comes in different flavors including watermelon and cotton candy.  You can either use it on someone or on a toy.


My mother said always wipe after yourself. The Dude Wipes gets the job done. It’s like baby wipes for adult men.  You don’t even have to just use them to prepare for sex.  These wipes are a great substitute for toilet tissue.  The wipes come scented and unscented and are only under $4.  If you’re traveling these are good to have with you.


Massages are very relaxing. I’ve been to a few massage spots and I always have a good time. The best part of that massage is when the oil is applied to my body. Just thinking about it gets me excited.

The Sensual Massage Oil comes in purple which is super cute. It has a lavender scent that will have you smelling like royalty. You can use the oil for either a foot massage or back massage. There are oils that will have you like a wet dog. This is not that type of product as it is not too greasy or oily.


Many men, especially masculine men, are concerned about sex performance. If your sex is trash there will be judgment. With the KY Duration Spray, there won’t really be a concern about that.

The KY Duration Spray is a spray you use on your male tool. The spray helps you to last longer in bed. Just know that you need to use it with a condom.


As I mentioned before massages are so relaxing and soothing. It’s best to go to a massage spot or spa for a massage but another good option is to have your FWB perform one on you.

The Sore Muscle Massage Oil is another great product for massages. Unlike the other massage oil, I listed it doesn’t have a scent. What’s also different is that you only need a small amount to apply to the body.


There are some guys(and gals) into some of the most unique fetishes. Personally, I know of people who enjoy role-playing in the bedroom. This involves wearing certain types of costumes and accessories. If you’re interested in that type of fetish you may be interested in the Full Face Cover Ski Neck.

Ski neck masks are extremely popular, especially in the bedroom. I’ve been to parties and clubs where I’ve actually seen freaky and nasty guys wearing these types of masks. If you are into role-playing or go to a sexy party and don’t want to be noticed the Full Face Cover Ski Neck would be nice to have.

Why use gay sex toys & items?

gay sex toys and items

I used to believe that sex should just involve human interaction. The thought of using dildos, toys, and different items in the bedroom grossed me out. But then as I matured I learned that it can really heighten the sexual experience. Especially, in today’s time, gay sex toys and items are highly recommended. Here’s why:

  1. Social distancing. As human beings, we all have sexual desires to mate with others even if we don’t act upon it. Some of us actually hook up and have sexual relations with others. However, it’s now very important to social distance due to the coronavirus pandemic. The virus has led to many people being severely sick and even deaths related to covid implications. There are still people having sex with others and haven’t gotten sick. But this is playing Russian Roulette. In lieu of sexual intercourse, gay sex toys can be used for sexual pleasure without worrying about catching the coronavirus.
  2. Good substitutes for sexual intercourse. I enjoy having sex but sometimes I get extremely nervous during and after sexual encounters. I always ask about my partners’ sexual health to ensure that the person doesn’t have any STDs/STIs. Even if that person states he’s disease-free there’s always that worry that he may be lying. By using gay sex toys I can please myself without worrying about contracting a disease.
  3. More excitemen in the bedroom. There are men like myself that simply love kisses and sensual touches. I also know plenty of homosexual and bisexual men with crazy sexual fantasies. These fantasies can come to life with slings, face masks, good lubricants, etc. Some of those same items can be used by women as well. So, if you are sex-positive and want to take sex to the next level check out the sex items in this blog post.
  4. Explore your own body. I love to experiment. You can use sex toys on certain parts of your body to see what stimuates you.

Wrap up


Growing up I’ve only heard of heterosexual women using sex toys and items. But as I came to terms with my sexuality and explored the LGBTQ community I’ve realized that a lot of brands have sex toys and items geared towards homosexual men.

The gay sex toys for men and items I listed above are some of the hottest items to use in the bedroom. There are hundreds more to select from which you can find online or sex shops. But if you want to really spice it up in the bedroom make sure you purchase at least one of my product recommendations.