Black gay actors in the spotlight

Black gay actors in the spotlight

Are you a queer aspiring actor or just interested in seeing black gay men in Hollywood?  Check out this blog post of black gay actors in the spotlight. Hollywood is a tough landscape for actors.  No matter your race or background building an actor is not...

Best black gay love on tv & online

Best black gay love on tv & online

As a gay man of color do you wish to see more black gay romance in the media? In this post, I'll talk about the best black gay love on television and online. As homosexuality has become more acceptance more black LGBTQ shows and web series have been created. Series...

Best black gay kiss scenes

Best black gay kiss scenes

Do you enjoy watching black gay romance? Check out this blog post of the best black gay kiss scenes on tv and in film. I love seeing people in romantic relationships, especially gay men. It used to be taboo for black LGBT persons to kiss and make love with each other...

Best gay cartoon characters

Best gay cartoon characters

Did you grow up watching cartoons? In this blog post, I will highlight shows with gay cartoon characters. One of the first gay cartoon characters allegedly is Bugs Bunny. There have been more than 200 cartoons with gay characters including Batman, Family Guy, and...

Hottest black gay web series

Hottest black gay web series

There is a limited amount of black LGBTQ representation in the media. Read below and check out a list of the hottest black gay web series. What do black gay web series have to offer that other genres don't? Why is this particular genre so important? And how can we...

Best black gay movies

Best black gay movies

Do you enjoy seeing black gay content? Check out this blog post of the hottest black gay movies. On Netflix, cable, and Amazon there are tons of gay movies. These entities support LGBT culture and history. Just a few years I could never imagine a film featuring black...